If you own or operate a Health & Wellness business you have come to the right place! Lets Get Started...What you'll find here is straight-forward, tell-it-like-it-is practical advice on all things related to owning and operating a Highly Success Spa, Salon or Clinic.
Please note: if you have heighten sensitivities, prefer your consultant or coach to pander or pamper you in a soft and genteel manner or if you operate from a “because that’s how we’ve always done it” type of mentality, then we are NOT the advisors or consultants you are seeking. If this is the case, frankly the only value we’ll hold for you is to offer you a few recommendation to industry colleagues who may accept your business based upon that criteria. On the other hand, if you are open to accepting that perhaps you may not have been doing things right (maybe even for quite a while), you’re willing to accept change, prepared to roll up your sleeves (for a short amount of time at least) and get to work truly improving every aspect of your business and are seriously prepared to see your profits explode while simultaneously allowing yourself more time off for leisure and other projects (or whatever you desire) then surely we’re about to become fast-friends! With over three quarters of a century of experience, our effective team of advisors and consultants have unmatched skills and expertise in all aspects of business development, management, efficiency, policies and procedures, HR and marketing, advertising and promotions. Complete your application now to determine if we’re right for you. |
"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life; happiness, freedom, and peace of mind, are always
attained by giving them to someone else" - - - Peyton Conway March